Neowine developed a software copy protection device for Raspberry Pi software engineers

Neowine developed a software copy protection device for Raspberry Pi software engineers

I am seeking advice from developers and vendors regarding a software protection device. How would you rate this product? Your valuable advice will be greatly appreciated. 

DORCA-3-RIM ( RIM : Raspberry pi Interface Module )

This product has the following advantages.

1. Tighter security through encryption and decryption with a hardware chip.

2. No burden to a main CPU during the execution of high-speed & performance security and system at once.

This module is intended to relieve developers of technical leaks at the development stage, enhance security by using our chip in the future stage of mass production, and control a license count of developed products.

You need a DORCA-3-RIM for the mass production stage on Raspberry pie project.

There are many projects that can be made with the Raspberry Pi and a lot of codes on the Internet that can be made from the Raspberry Pi. About 14 million units of Raspberry Pi have been sold since 2012 to 2017. There have been, and still are a lot of developers who want to develop products with the Raspberry Pi. However, only a small number of people have been capable of making money out of Raspberry Pi. Besides, there are a lot of cheaper solutions such as the Orange Pi, the Zero Pie, and so on. Broadcom Inc. is the only company that has made money by using the Raspberry Pi.

The reasons why it is difficult to make money with the Raspberry Pi is because Raspberry Pi has, in fact, been created as a product for education. Many people teach and share code with Raspberry Pi. Imagine a person having spent many difficult hours developing a product without being able to sell it. That is why I have made this chip to keep what is meant to be sold, sold. 

Many developers have Raspberry Pi in their houses and offices. Recently, Raspberry Pi has come up with a new version called B+. There are plenty of accessories on the market and people try hard to learn about them. However, that’s all. They can’t earn money out of the Raspberry Pi. Then, what do we do? Do we as developers have to throw them away?

No, it doesn’t mean that.
Neowine has developed a module called the DORCA-3-RIM which prevents the Raspberry Pi from copying and encrypting or decrypting of signal processing. Neowine mainly develops copy protection semiconductors. About 130 million copies of protection semiconductors have been manufactured and sold until now. It had provided copy protection chips to 2,000 companies and amongst that, 500 companies applied the chips to mass production up to last year. 


Phone / PC OpenSSL.lib <==> Rasberry Pi <==> DORCA-3-RIM
RSA 2048, ECC 256, AES 256, and SHA 256 algorithms are supported. In case of the DORCA-3-RIM, TRNG 128 and PUF128 are supported inside of the chip. 

1. AES 256 

The AES 256-bit password can be decrypted in the DORCA-3-RIM after it is encrypted in OpenSSL on your PC and sent to the Raspberry Pi. Conversely, you can encrypt it in the DORCA-3-RIM and then decrypt it on your PC. 
Typically, it costs about $ 10,000 to study decryption and use it. You can simply download this code from GitHub and save $ 9,900. Some people want to interface with the AES algorithm directly in the form of source code. Instead of OpenSSL.lib on the PC, you can see that it directly encodes and decodes with the source coding compile? vise versa in the DORCA-3-RIMIt is possible. Neowine also sells AES C source code that interfaces with OpenSSL.lib.


Typically, it costs about $ 10,000 to study decryption and use. You can simply download this code from GitHub and save $ 9,900.
Some people want to interface with the AES algorithm directly in source code form. Instead of the openssl.lib on the PC, you can see that it encodes directly and processes it in DORCA-3-RIM. It is possible. Neo Wine also sells AES C source code that interfaces with OpenSSL.lib separately.
2. RSA 2048

You have only learned about public certificates, public keys, and so on in theory. The famous RSA was a story of a different world. Here, however, the base interface of the famous certificate is released. Experience the impressive computation of public and secret key operations performed by your code in your cell phone or PC. 

What can you do with this? Well ... there are a lot of banking deals, such as Wechat Pay, Apple Pay and Kakao Pay. This was the signal processing that had been secretly carried out by only some professionals. You cant help but be deeply moved when the source code works in your mobile app. If you are not impressed with it, you are not a competent engineer. 

I do not know what to do with it. You can make bread with wheat and make a drink. It is not something that a seller of wheat interferes with. Anyway, RSA-2048 is supported. 
For reference, we have seen RSA supported door locks selling for $ 10,000 each at an exhibition show.
3. ECC
The famous ECC, ECC is an elliptic hyperbolic cipherAlthough ECC is good, it is a very difficult discipline. In the meantime, several people have tried to learn ECC, it makes people fall asleep. Are there only 5,000 people who are able to handle ECC in the world? You can check the ECC operation using the DORCA-3-RIM. In other words, you can see ECC processing in PC OpenSSL and reverse processing in the DORCA-3-RIM module side. 

The price of the related software is basically 50,000 dollars, but it can be downloaded from the GitHub for free. You can experience ECC which is the basis of IoT encryption and decryption signal processing in one DORCA-3-R module. 
   OpenSSL is built into your Android phone, and possibly the iPhone. On Linux, openSSL.lib was created over 20 years ago. In other words, the asymmetric key interface between your phone and the DORCA-3-R of the Raspberry Pie is connected as ‘End to End’.  This is what ECC ... ECDH, ECDSA signal processing can be also processed. ECC256, ECC521, of course, and various curves are supported. For example, FIPS-140-2 etc. It's probably the first time that this advanced encryption and decryption code has arrived on the Git Hub. 

If you have a rebuttal, please link up. ECC doesn’t stands for ‘English Conversation Club’. It's a real elliptic and hyperbolic function.

4. SHA 256 is the License free hash function.
The SHA160 bit has a hacking issue, but the stability of 256 bits has been verified. The encryption/decryption method basically performs the high-speed encryption /decryption with the symmetric key, the key exchange with the asymmetric key, and the authentication signal pro

cessing with the SHA. One that is not secure with it alone requires randomness of key generation and a unique number for authentication.

In the DORCA-3-RIM,
Symmetric key: AES 
Asymmetric key: RSA, ECC
Certification: SHA, TRNG, and PUF are embedded.

#NeoWine, #DORCA-3-RIM, #DORCA3RIM, #ALPU, #RasberryPi, #License, #ECDH, #RSA, #AES, #Rasberry, #Pi, #Software, #Program, #Copy, #Protection,

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For the more secure world. "NEOWINE"

Can I use Raspberry Pi in commercial production?


  1. Defesa - Agência de Notícias Montedo é o ministro da economia brasileiro e os nossos carros já estão com o IPVA SP pagos e o Licenciamento anual em dia. E o nosso Coluna do Flamengo ?


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