
Showing posts from August, 2020

Possibility of personal information security leakage. a world in which nations become villains.

 Possibility of personal information security leakage. a world in which nations become villains.  National security technology and the world is full of villains. The basis of war is how much I know the enemy and myself. If you know me and know your opponent well, you will win even if you fight a hundred times. In modern warfare, how much information we have on the other side determines our fate. So we use astronomical costs to hide domestic information as much as possible and to obtain foreign information. Recently, China banned the use of TLS1.3 for foreign https streams. This term is very unfamiliar to non-experts who are not familiar with network or security technologies, but its contents are very simple. However, knowing the terms does not help your daily life. But I can see how the world works even if it doesn't help my daily life. For example, figuring out whether the Earth is flat or spherical will not help you live day by day. But that makes your whole worldview, your uni...

Only when IoTCAS is resolved will IoT supply be activated.

IoTCAS : Internet of Things Cost Availibility Security Issue IoT stands for Internet of Things. According to a 2016 IHS survey, 30 billion IoT Edge devices will be connected in 2020. But why is the supply of IoT slow? It's because of the IoTCAS. IoTCAS stands for Cost, Availability, and Security, which are problematic for the dissemination of IoT. Price, convenience and security issues in Korean. In fact, all three of these problems come from one, and the part related to convenience is to make up UI / UX, so it can be solved somehow, but there is a conflict between the Cost and Security parts. In other words, increased security means higher prices and lower prices mean less security. However, security becomes a very important IoT element in the world. For example, in the case of a door lock, the price of the circuit material should be very low, but it requires top-level security. In fact, it's not fun for someone, whether it's Smart Home or Industrial IoT, to have a hacker ...